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Welcome to HOW TO GET HYPER!

updating once again!
lots of new messages on the message board! (custom page)

NEW stuff!!!

I still have the music and i need to change it but i cant find any of the links any more! *sob*

My newest things are my two NEW websites! i have one under construction, and another one that is finished. The finished one is a proboard where you can post and talk all about Lord of the Rings because i am totally obsessed!

This is me!!!

Hi i'm 13!YAY!
i am crazy and insane

I have nicked an idea off Luci (hope she don't mind!!!) and have Used a section of my WebSite for Blog!!!
ow! my fingers hurt! ;_;!
they got burnt today in an art lesson (???)

I have deleted some little blog thing

I am very ill right now and i am off school

HAHA u guys and at the moment my class mates should be in DANCE hehe, i'm so evil. I was off yesterday too because i have a very bad sore throat! ;_; <----see!

I am improving all three of my websites and updating my fanfics and thinking about getting a live journal

what do you think?

only about 6 more months to the ROTK!!!!


My First Poll is to see what you lot out there think of my Website! Please don't vote on this poll until you have looked at EVERYTHING on my website!

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Power to the Fairy Princesses!